Interval: every two weeks, duration: 2 ½ hours
The first 30 minutes of the team planning meeting are dedicated to reflection.
Every team member and the team leader report of the last Run, what worked well and what did not. The team decides if findings should be further developed elsewhere. In this case new Stickies can be created.
The inbox can also be used for topics. Those Stickies are placed here that are suitable as input for the next management meeting. If there is an established process within the organization of making suggestions for improvements it can also be used. Important is that the gained knowledge is constantly developed and not lost.
The team leader decides what of the lessons learned and in which form is reported to the head.
In a maximum of 30 minutes the persons responsible report the results:
In the remaining 1 ½ hours the task portfolio for the next Stickie~Run is chosen from the task memory (= status NEW and READY). Depending on the size of the task memory the team leader can first narrow down the choice. By that time at the latest every task is marked with the estimated effort for its realization.
The longer Stickie~Flow is used the more exact the estimated values will become. This way it will become increasingly easier to choose the right selection and especially the manageable amount of tasks. On the basis of these values longer-term as well as more exact statements can be made at what time which results will be received.
Next to correct prioritization the aim is to be able to give as correct information as possible by what time which results can be achieved. This also helps other teams with the planning of their activities. Stickie~Flow is a method with stronger focus on interdisciplinary cooperation.
The single tasks have to be manageable in the defined period of the next Run. Standard is a cycle of 14 days. If activities included in the task memory are too large for one Run, they have to be divided to make a reasonable processing possible.
This distribution can also be a Stickie for the next Run. Urgent tasks can also be realized in an unplanned way. It is important that every team member has a certain freedom for this purpose. Not everything has to wait for its processing in the task memory until the next team planning meeting.
When implementing Stickie~Flow it is determined how much of the available working time is scheduled in a fixed way and how much space can be given to unplanned tasks. If there are no figures based on experience, about 20 per cent of the total working time can be provided for unplanned activities. Further corrections are also possible here at any time (-> lessons learned). The team has to agree with the arrangements according to the general set-up which will more or less often change depending on its environment.
EVERYTHING of the chosen tool is documented, no matter whether it is done during a Stickie~Run or in between.
The team member decides whether there is a report about it at the next team planning meeting. The documentation depends on the chosen method. Everything is possible, from paper form and electronic recording through to special tools.
The assignment of the tasks for the next Stickie~Run follows the pull principle. Every team member actively participates here. If there are several people for one task, the choice is up to the team leader.