
Stickie~Flow describes a system which is thought to deal with all activities, processes and procedures of a knowledge-based organization on the basis of agile methods. This method is also applicable in other fields with similar conditions.


  • uniform perspective of all types of activities
  • handling of a large number of different tasks
  • simplicity (simple rules)
  • adaptability (flexibility)
  • optimization of documentation
  • transparency
  • promotion of communication
  • continuous improvement

Stickie\~Flow combines all activities of all fields in an organization. Every task is

  • recorded,
    • prioritized,
      • processed and
        • documented.
        • For all who prefer pictures follows a schematic illustration of the key elements of Stickie\~Flow follows:

This way the emphasis lies on the similarities of different tasks and not on the differences. One can for example record the similarities of development and production tasks, what makes prioritization, processing and documentation easier, improves transparency and supports a common view.

A central element is the constant development (PDCA-Cycle):